New traveling teams will be formed after tryouts for the upcoming U8 age group. (And possibly for older age groups, if there are sufficient registrants to form additional teams.)

If you are interested in being considered for a head and/or assistant coaching position for a new or current SWSA traveling team, please complete the coaching resume application.

If you are currently a coach of a SWSA travel team, in your preferred role, you do NOT need to fill out this form again for that team.

A coach of current team would only fill out the form again if you would like to be considered for coaching in another age group or if you are looking for a different coaching role on your current team.

2017 and older coach submission deadline is Sunday, April 27th at midnight.

2018 coach submission deadline is Sunday, May 4th at midnight.


  • Must complete all necessary forms as designated by the Board of Directors, State of NJ, Swedesboro-Woolwich and the Affiliated Organizations
  • Coaches must carry player medical release forms to each practice and game.
  • In the event of an accident, an Accident Report must be completed by the Coach.
  • Coaches must maintain the teams’ gotsoccer page with the current roster.
  • Coaches must print and laminate all player cards prior to the start of the season.
  • Coaches are responsible for contacting visiting coaches about field location, time of game, and uniform color.
  • Coaches must print out two copies of the game day card and bring it to the game.
  • Coaches are responsible for paying the refs at each game.
  • Monitor and ensure the care of all facilities when in use, including the cleanup of all trash following practice and games.
  • Enforce rules as set forth by the league and the Bylaws of the SWSA Board.
    • The penalty for the branch of the SWSA Bylaws shall be determined by the Grievance Committee.
    • This penalty may include immediate suspension of the offending individual from participation in the soccer program.
  • Pickup all issued equipment and uniforms to distribute to the team prior to the first game.
  • Participate in all fundraisers including distribution of fundraiser items and collection of money to be returned to the Club by posted deadlines.
  • Attend all Mandatory Coaches Meetings.
  • Report any problems directly to the traveling coordinator, President, or Vice President of the Executive Committee.
  • Oversee team members at practices and games and provide adult supervision.
  • Teach the fundamentals, good sportsmanship, and rules of the game.
  • Coaches are responsible for 100% of any fine or penalty that they receive in relation to their team or the game in which their team is playing.
  • Coaches are responsible for all communications to the parents of their teams (i.e. SWSA Bylaws, games, meetings and other rules, regulations, and information deemed important.)
  • It is the Coach’s responsibility to make sure that designated field duty times are covered.
    • If parents assigned to cover such duties do not show, it is the Coach’s responsibility to cover the designated times.
  • At least one team coach must be present at every practice.
    • A paid trainer does not serve as a Coach.
  • Coaches must ensure that all team players are picked up after practice and games prior to leaving the field.
  • All coaches are to recruit from their team volunteers.
  • All coaches must line the fields a few times per season based on the lining schedule for that season.
  • All coaches will commit to the playing season, which is August 1st to July 31st of the following year