Board Meeting June 2021
At the beginning of all board meetings, if there are any public in attendance there is an open forum for the first 30 minutes of the session. This 30-minute session is designed for any comments/issues/questions to be asked by the public.
After 30 minutes, the open public session is closed, and the remaining portion of the board meeting is for board members only. The board reserves the right to limit time for any individual to ensure all public participants get a chance to speak as well as to ensure the meeting stays on track.
Anyone who wishes to come to come to a board meeting must do so either verbally to a board member and/or through the SWSA contact page at: https://www.swsasoccer.org/contact/. The board asks that the specific topic(s) to be discussed are disclosed in advance with as much detail as possible so research and preparation can be made, if necessary.
The person requesting to come to the meeting must give notice at least 10 days prior to the meeting in order to attend the next board meeting. The board will then notify that person via email which board meeting their items will be a topic at. The board may also request additional information from that person before a date and time are given. Only the person, or names of people that requested to be at the meeting, will be permitted during that open forum. There are no walk-up open forum guests allowed.
Please familiarize yourself with the last page of the board handbook before attending a meeting.