Foot Skills with Rob Camp 2022
Registration opens at noon on Friday, June 24, 2022
Registration closes at 11:59pm on Saturday, July 2, 2022 (or earlier if the camp reaches capacity)
Are you looking for a local soccer camp this summer for your child? Foot skills with Rob is SWSA’s July 2022 month-long camp. If you are not familiar with Rob, he has run open foot skills sessions for the club the past few years, and is a travel trainer for SWSA. Rob specializes in advanced footwork for children of all ages.
The camp has very limited spacing for each age group. We recommend signing up immediately to reserve your child’s spot. As the camp reaches capacity for age groups the registration will be closed off to those birth years from registering.
***Due to limited capacity please only register if your child can make the sessions***
The camp is only open to players who meet the below criteria.
The camp is open to any:
- SWSA Player Registered for the Fall 2022 season – boy or girl birth year 2008 – 2016
- That includes micro, rec, or travel programs
The camp is NOT open to any:
- Residents who do not live in Swedesboro or Woolwich (unless you are part of a SWSA team)
- Past SWSA participants. Must be a registered Fall 2022 SWSA Player.
Camp Description:
- Twice a week camp starting July 5th – July 29th (August 1st & 2nd are make-up dates)
- The max amount of camp sessions would be 6
- Only 1 rain out date is scheduled for each age group. We are hoping each grouping gets at least 4-5 sessions (if not all 6)
- Players will be grouped in Monday/Wednesday sessions or Tuesday/Thursday sessions
- Monday/Wednesday session will have 1 Friday date because of 4th of July
- Based on turnout some age groups may be mixed across a few years
- All sessions are 1 hour, twice per week
- Times are::
- 6-7pm
- 7-8pm
- 8-9pm
The current plan is:
Monday & Wednesday Group
- 7/6, 7/8, 7/11, 7/13, 7/25, 7/27 (No Session 7/4, replaced with Friday 7/8)
- No Sessions 7/18 or 7/20
- Make-up Date 8/1
- 7/6, 7/8, 7/11, 7/13, 7/25, 7/27 (No Session 7/4, replaced with Friday 7/8)
- Times:
- 6pm – 2015
- 7pm – 2013
- 8pm – 2008 – 2011
Tuesday & Thursday Group
- 7/5, 7/7, 7/12, 7/14, 7/26, 7/28
- No Sessions 7/19 or 7/21
- Make-up Date 8/2
- 7/5, 7/7, 7/12, 7/14, 7/26, 7/28
- Times:
- 6pm – 2016
- 7pm – 2014
- 8pm – 2012
Dates/times subject to change based on availability
All Players NEED:
- their own soccer ball (with name written on it)
- water bottle
- soccer cleats
- shin guards
- $30/player
- Field G at Locke Ave
- Issues registering? Please email registrar@swsasoccer.org
- Registration closes at 11:59pm on Saturday, July 2, 2022 or earlier if the camp reaches capacity.
- Based on availability the club may need to change dates age groups are assigned to. The club will provide refunds for those that cannot make it if this is the case.
- If any information is missing the club will update this page.
- Camp subject to cancellation based on turnout
Note: The system will preselect your child’s appropriate US Soccer age group. Only children playing up an age group will be permitted to register for the age group above. For example a 2016 playing travel soccer in Fall 2022 should register with the 2015 age group (U8).
Birth Years Already at Capacity:
- 2014
- 2016
- Other birth years will be listed as each max is reached (there will be a delay as they are added to this page – it is not automatic)
- If your child’s birth year has no payment option, that means their age group is sold out, and they will be added to the waiting list.
- If your child misses registration you can join the waiting list by email camps@swsasoccer.org